Hello runners!! 

IMG 4245-vyz

Dr. Daniela Chlibkova and dr. Alena Žákovská are looking for candidates and volunteers who run the whole MUM or at least throughout the first three races! We need your blood, urine and physiological tests for water content, fat and muscle before the race, after 3 days and after 7 races. Results of blood, urine and physiological measurements before the race (red , white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets, the amount of creatinine, ions, some enzymes, etc.) you get during the race MUM. Please sign the following email address so we know how many competitors can count on.
Greetings Alena Žákovská, one of the participants races MUM 2014 and mini MUM 2015 : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sampling and testing schedule :
Sunday: 28.6. since this morning at 9-10 am. to start in 14hod
Tuesday: 30.6. gradually overrun until night
Saturday: 04.07 After finish in the afternoon